
A web-application for correcting the posture
while using the computer

Every day millions of people are having trouble maintaining a straight-up position in front of their laptops causing pain and back problems. Beck-y applies artificial intelligence technology to help people correcting the posture while using the laptop. Beck-y doesn't need any additional device can run on any computer at any time.

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Beck-y is a web-application that combines the webcam of the computer with artificial intelligence technology to track the body position in front of the screen. In the beginning, It is asked to the user to train the application. The user must register two poses the wrong and the right one.

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Beck-y has two different kinds of output to prevent a wrong posture: the first one is a sound notification as soon as the user is out of position, secondly If the user maintain an incorrect posture for more than 15 seconds the screen will turn black until the user will get back into the posture set as the correct one. The user has the freedom to set exactly which behave he wants to correct and how he wants to do that.

Teammates: Michela Burzio
Supervisor: Metteo Loglio
Course: Machine Learning for Creatives