Fuego Blanco

Packaging for a tequila brand.

This project was the result of a weekly workshop. The workshop aimed to create a packaging reflecting on sustainability and the role that packaging can have in the experience of the use of a product.

"If there's a tendency to think that packaging is superfluous, incidental, or even unnecessary, the truth of the matter is quite the contrary"

Packplay 2 by Sylvain Allard.

An experience inside a packaging that celebrates time spent together. This packaging is unexpected, and only reveals a part of the inner products (shot glasses). The name "Fuego Blanco" is synesthetic and refers to the feeling of drinking tequila. Six partially hidden glasses suggest celebrating good times with friends. The place where the package reveals only a portion of the glasses gives access to a bottle of Tequila.

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Fuego Blanco was featured inside the book Packplay 2. The book was co-written by Geneviève Dionne and Sylvain Allard. It was conceived as an educational guide to assist designers in the practice of packaging design. The book, written in French and English, aims to introduce readers to the challenges and opportunities of ecodesign while critically examining the complexity of issues throughout the life cycle. It is a reference tool for the industry and packaging designers.

Teammates: Roy Clavadetscher
Supervisors: Ginette Caron
Workshop: Special collection packaging