The Sharing Economy

Issue for the online Magazine Artichoke

An online article about the topic of the sharing economy. The contents were realized thanks to the help of experts in the field. This article was part of the economy section of the magazine.

Artichoke is a paper and digital magazine. This Issue was meant to investigate the topic of the future in different areas from food, to lifestyle to the economy. As in the last years this reality of crowd-based services is increasing I wanted to approach the topic by doing research on the current sharing economy services and interviewing experts about the "state of the art" and possible futures outcomes.

The user is actively engaged in the browsing of the contents. To read the different articles he has to drag around the boxes that form the navigation menu. Every box, If clicked, contains the different articles. This kind of navigation aims to be a representation of the sharing economy. The Sharing Economy can't exist without the contribution and actions of the users and so the articles of this web-page can't be read without an effort by the readers.

Supervisor: Leonardo Angelucci, Paolo Jannuzzi
Course: Web Platform for Interaction Designers

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