The Hub

Advanced Environments and Communication
materials for a co-working in Lugano

The brief was to brainstorm potential space interventions for a newly opening co-working space in Lugano. The objective was to design installations within the building that would provide a distinct experience to the occupants, promote networking among them, and position the co-working space as a hub for innovation.

Based on research, it was found that building a community requires meaningful relationships, often initiated in informal spaces. Thus, the project focused on designing the common areas of the co-working space. A new brand, "The-Hub," was created to reflect the values of belonging, inspiration, and connection. The-Hub is a co-working space that places a strong emphasis on novel approaches, positioning itself as the starting point for innovation. The-Hub's community is composed of individuals seeking to belong and connect with an inspiring community whose projects will have a significant impact on tomorrow's society.

The Event Wall is an installation designed for use during events held at The-Hub. It comprises a series of screens showcasing a selection of projects, one for each industry, developed inside the co-working space. Each project will be accompanied by a brief introductory video and a description highlighting its innovative aspects. Additionally, a feature will be included, allowing viewers to obtain further information about the project or to contact the project authors directly to initiate collaboration or investment.

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Teammates: Gianfranco Bertelli, Nydia Chavarria, Paolo Crocé
Supervisors: Fabio Franchino, Alice Mela (TODO)
Course: Designing Advanced Environments
Client: DAGORĂ€ SA